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Vancouver Cherry Blossoms – When & Where to See in 2024

Vancouver is home to over 43,000 cherry trees, and their bloom transforms the city into a pink and white wonderland in early spring. The Vancouver cherry blossoms bring thousands of spectators to the city annually, from excited visitors to locals upholding tradition.

Find the best places to see the Vancouver cherry blossoms, get information about the famous Cherry Blossom Festival, and more below.

When can I see cherry blossoms in Vancouver? 

The Vancouver cherry blossoms make spring the best time to visit Vancouver.

Cherry blossoms bloom in Vancouver from late February to early May. While you can see these delicate blooms anytime during this season, peak bloom typically occurs during the Cherry Blossom Festival in late March or April. This makes it one of the best times to visit Vancouver.

As beautiful as the cherry blossom blooms are, their lifespans are short – this fleeting experience requires advance planning for travel and accommodations, especially since you aren’t the only one who wants to see the cherry blossoms in Vancouver!

Best place to see cherry blossoms in Vancouver?

A path in Stanley Park surrounded by blooming Cherry Blossom trees.

Stanley Park is the most popular place to see Vancouver's cherry blossoms. But there are several other viewing spots that warrant a visit during the peak blooming period, including VanDusen Memorial Garden and Queen Elizabeth Park.

  • Stanley Park > The most well-known place to see cherry blossoms in Vancouver, offering a large concentration of the trees that make for stunning photos.
  • VanDusen Memorial Garden > A garden showcasing native plants, including nearly 30 varieties of cherry trees. VanDusen Memorial Garden is also the site of the annual Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. 
  • Nitobe Memorial Garden at University of British Columbia > A traditional Japanese stroll garden and authentic teahouse, featuring a tranquil pond and groups of pastel cherry blossoms.
  • Queen Elizabeth Park > This well-maintained park is one of the best places to see cherry blossoms in Vancouver, thanks to the staggered bloom of cherry trees that keeps the park bathed in pink and white from early March to late April.
  • Cherry Blossom Festival in Vancouver

    Cherry blossom blooms on a cherry tree in Vancouver.

    Many of the city’s cherry trees originated from trees that were gifted to Vancouver from Japan, and the Cherry Blossom Festival is intended to express gratitude for these gifts as the city celebrates the beauty of the blossoms. 

    The 2024 Cherry Blossom Festival in Vancouver will begin on March 29 and end on April 25. This intra-community arts and culture festival brings visitors and locals alike together to experience the stunning beauty of thousands of cherry trees decorating the city. 

    The 2024 Cherry Blossom Festival in Vancouver will feature favorites like Blossoms After Dark, The Big Picnic, and workshops with local artists and creators.  

    Make Your Vancouver Travel Plans

    Carmana Hotel in downtown Vancouver.

    The first step in planning your Vancouver trip to see the cherry blossoms in Vancouver is to choose the right accommodations – you’ll need a great place to relax after a day of exploring the city!

    Carmana Hotel & Suites is located at the heart of downtown Vancouver’s financial and shopping districts, giving you easy access to top cherry blossom spots around the city and a luxurious experience when you return to your hotel. Whether you go for a classic viewing like Queen Elizabeth Park or take a contemplative stroll through Nitobe Memorial Garden, there is endless beauty to be found in Vancouver.